Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management within a Global Environment for Culture - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theManagement within a Global Environment for Culture. Answer: Introduction There are different types of corporate culture and each of these organizational cultures does the promotion of certain forms of behaviour. Some of them are well suited towards dynamic as well as continuous changes. The appropriate culture will be the one that closely fits the direction as well as strategic aspect relating to a specific company as it does the confrontation of its individual concerns as well as the challenges of a specific time. Holacracy is considered being a part of broader trend regarding the making of decisions sans the managers. Holacracy will be allowing for rapid flexibility as well as compliance. E-learning Activity 1: Corporate culture and strategy Market culture The market culture is considered being a kind of corporate culture that emphasizes competitiveness not just within the company as well as its competitors in the market but also amongst the staffs. This corporate culture model is considered being the most aggressive and is formed upon the dynamics of competition as well as to actualize concrete outcomes. There exists a goal-oriented focus where leaders that are considered being very demanding. There occurs an organizational unity based on a common objective for becoming successful as well as beating each and every competitor (Grant 2016). The major value drivers are market share as well as profitability. For example, General Electric under ex-CEO Jack Welch is considered being a good example of this corporate culture. He made a vow that all the business unit of G.E. must be ranking first or second within its respective market. Clan Culture The main aspect of this culture is collaboration. There is sharing of commonalities amongst the members and they see themselves as being the part of a big family who are having the involvement. Leadership will be taking the form of mentorship and the company gets bounded by commitments as well as traditional aspects. The major values are associated with teamwork, communication as well as consensus (Grant 2016). For example, Toms of Maine is regarded as an important clan culture. They are the maker of all-natural hygiene products. For building the brand, the focus of Tom Chappell was to build respectful relationships with the staffs, customers as well as the suppliers. Adhocracy Culture This cultural aspect is depending upon energy as well as creativity. Encouragement is provided to the staffs for taking risks, and the leaders are considered as innovators. Through experimentation, the company is held together as well as emphasizing upon individual resourcefulness as well as freedom. The main values are associated with change as well as alertness (Del Giudice 2014). For example, Facebook is considered being a prototypical adhocracy company, depending upon the well-known reproach of CEO Mark Zuckerberg stating that it is required to move fast and break things and if stuffs are not being broken, then the movement is not fast enough. Hierarchy Culture The formation of this culture is depending upon structure as well as control. There exists a formal work environment, having strict organizational processes in place for getting guided. Leadership is depending upon systematized coordination as well as monitoring and having a cultural aspect that emphasizes upon effectiveness as well as expectedness. The values will be including the aspects of being consistent as well as uniform (Heizer 2016). For example, McDonalds is considered following a hierarchy culture, since it is considered being a stereotypical enterprise that is considered being large as well as bureaucratic. Alignment of corporate culture and strategy The long-term success of a company is having a heavy reliance upon leadership and its capability for implementing the organizational culture as well as leading the organization toward its strategic goals. Therefore, to do the assessment of leadership is considered being a major step for the development as well as realization of the companys strategic plan and to create a work environment in which, individuals would be interested in working, succeeding as well as staying (Daft 2016). Moreover, companies in which there occurs a close alignment between the cultural aspects as well as business strategies will be making effective decisions regarding trade-offs and will be mitigating the risks in a successful manner. There can also occur the leveraging of practices as well as processes relating to strategic talent management for helping in the promotion of an effective as well as aligned cultural aspect (Research Ideas 2017). Leaders can also do the utilization of such models to communicate with the workforce relating to cultural shifts as well as assisting the managers for the reinforcement of values and behaviours that are needed for helping an organization in actualizing its strategic goals. E-learning Activity 2: Holacracy Meaning of Holacracy It is regarded as a method associated with management by committee, which is emphasizing on experimentation. The CEO does the official relinquishing of authority regarding a constitution and everyone get reorganized into decentralized teams that will be selecting their individual roles as well as objectives (Vox 2017). Comparison between Holacracy and Bureaucracy In Holacracy, business fluctuations as well as monopolistic practices remain absent. There occurs better leadership as well as welfare and greater effectiveness. Moreover, there exists an internally stable economic process. On the other hand, in bureaucracy there occurs faster process regarding the system and there occurs no individual freedom (Heizer 2016). Comparison between Holacracy and Team-based structure Holacracy will be providing the groups with the mandates for forming their decisions as well as implementing them, whereas team-based structure will be allowing the organization in creating the groups, but will be getting managed, directed as well as controlled by the senior management (Hill 2014). Contingency Factors of Organizational Design at work regarding Zappos The contingency factors that affect the organizational design are considered being the size, age, use of technology, strategic aspects as well as the organizational environment. Zappos has almost completed 17 years of trading and as a result, the management after taking into consideration the companys strengths as well as weaknesses, made the decision of adopting Holacracy (Collings 2014). This is considered appropriate for the organization as because, the method works in an effective way with older organizations. Zappos must be having the ability for adapting to changing scenarios regarding which it is having the requirement of having flexibility as well as responsiveness. In addition, the company requires greater departmental coordination. Innovative culture for agile organizational structure Innovative culture assists in enabling the companies for achieving the key business results they desire as well as delivering the necessary outcomes such as to increase ROI, to deliver goals related to business growth as well as to increase the value of business, to make productivity as well as gaining of effectiveness for competing in a successful manner (Rushton 2017). The innovative culture will assist in the implementation of a cultural plan for articulating new messages, solving business problems, maximizing strengths, minimizing constraints as well as building capability, capacity as well as confidence in respect of agile organizational structure. Conclusion To conclude the assignment, it can be stated that the four types of organizational culture are considered to be market culture, clan culture, adhocracy culture as well as hierarchy culture. As an organizational staff, the four types of organizational culture has been explained with examples. In addition, the alignment between corporate culture as well as strategy has also been discussed. There has been provided with the explanation of Holacracy and its comparison has been cited with bureaucracy as well as team-based structure. There is the requirement for discussing the ways by which contingency factors of organizational design are at work for Zappos and ways which innovative culture is associated with the organizational structure has also been described. Reference Collings, D.G., 2014. Integrating global mobility and global talent management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities.Journal of World Business,49(2), pp.253-261. Daft, R.L. and Marcic, D., 2016.Understanding management. Nelson Education. Del Giudice, M. and Maggioni, V., 2014. Managerial practices and operative directions of knowledge management within inter-firm networks: a global view.Journal of Knowledge Management,18(5), pp.841-846. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Heizer, J., 2016.Operations Management, 11/e. Pearson Education India. Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. and Schilling, M.A., 2014.Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Research and Ideas. 2017.Culture clash: When corporate culture fights strategy, it can cost you. [online] Available at: https://research.wpcarey.asu.edu/culture-clash-when-corporate-culture-fights-strategy-it-can-cost-you/ [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. Rushton, A., Croucher, P. and Baker, P., 2014.The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Vox. 2017.Zappos just abolished bosses. Here's why.. [online] Available at: https://www.vox.com/2014/7/11/5876235/silicon-valleys-latest-management-craze-holacracy-explained [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017].

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